Innovation award- women empowerment

Innovation is the key to any country’s growth and development. India is blessed with a rich “discovery” heritage having been home to a plethora of major globally impacting discoveries such as zero, modern surgery, navigation, astronomy etc.
Ironically, over the years, the creative streak had diminished due to the oppressed foreign dominance of the Mughals followed by the British. But the spirit of creativity is in the DNA of every Indian. So, despite adversity, the innovative gene is bound to re-surface if a conducive environment is provided.
Armed with the ethos “Educate to Innovate”, we strive to not only encourage ‘critical thinking’, but also motivate youngsters to undertake creative entrepreneurial pursuits rather than mundane employment.
Within our focus segment of youth is especially young ladies which is in endorsement of firm belief in women empowerment. Our unflinching conviction is that an empowered women augurs well for the family, society and the ultimately the nation. With a 360 degrees perspective, women have the potential of becoming the torchbearers of a resurgent India through innovative ideas. Indian women have proven beyond skepticism that they can meet and surmount challenges in any field. Therefore, it is imperative that enough motivation be rendered so they can innovatively blossom.

We are committed to empowering women and hence our mission is to institute an annual Innovation award to inspire creativity in all disciplines especially Science, Technology, Engineering & Math (STEM).
The vision is a) to identify women with creative excellence across the country through their ideas, proof of concept, prototype or otherwise, b) review written submissions, c) interview and d) award the best.
Over the years, an ecosystem of ‘critical thinkers’ rather than ‘workers’ is sought to be cultivated so an out-of-the-box thinking women entrepreneurial workforce gets developed.

- Build an Advisory committee
- Constitute review committee
- Set timeline for award distribution
- Set amount of award
- Outreach to Institutions, establishments to identify and garner potential awardees in age group 17-35
- Review of submitted concept papers
- Award distribution