STEM - Science, Technology, Engineering, Math
Being multidisciplinary, STEM embodies Science, Technology, Engineering and Math knowledge into a new whole.This leads to holistic development of children capable of solving problems as world citizens.
The fun way to understanding STEM
Effective Inquiry based hand-on education
STEM simplified
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) is an interdisciplinary and integrated approach to learning. It is challenge based hands-on practical education which aims to foster inquiring minds, logical reasoning, and collaboration skills.
It is broken down into seven standards of practice (or skill sets) for educating science, technology, engineering, and mathematics students :
- Learn and apply content
- Integrate content
- Interpret and communicate information
- Engage in inquiry
- Engage in logical reasoning
- Collaborate as a team
- Apply technology appropriately
It started as new movement to help teachers and their students understand how the academic disciplines of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics impact their world and prepare them for the workforce of tomorrow. Thus evolved a a curriculum based on the idea of educating students in four specific disciplines - science, technology, engineering and mathematics - in an interdisciplinary and applied strategy. STEM is promising to be the future of our country, the future of our region and the future of our children.
Technology helps communicate; Math is the language; Science and Engineering are the processes for thinking; all this leads to Innovation.
STEM is gaining wide acceptance as the "education standard", a process for teaching and learning that offers students opportunities to make sense of the world and take charge of their learning, rather than learning isolated bits and pieces of content. In the STEM environment, there is less emphasis on activities that demonstrate science content and a greater focus on those activities that allow students to engage in real world problems and experiences through project-based, experiential learning activities that lead to higher level thinking. Learning in a STEM environment compels students to understand issues, distill problems, and comprehend processes that lead to innovative solutions

Students learn through experience where they talk and engage in discourse. They learn by shaping arguments and solving problems in the course of a continuous process of asking questions, experimenting, designing, creating, and gathering compelling supporting evidence. Through the implementation of STEM education and the best practices and strategies it promotes, teachers can construct a learning environment where students are given the opportunity to experience, talk, debate, discover, design, create, and build. They can learn to lead the way to innovation... learning today... making a better tomorrow.