STEM Academy - The Only Total STEM Solution Company
As a result of intensive research, STEM Academy presents a comprehensive all encompassing strategy to ensure schools successfully understand and conveniently implement STEM.
STEM pedagogy is different from the conventional way of teaching and learning. This entails easy to follow hands-on challenge based Grade-wise Science and Math concepts per Indian syllabus broken down into weekly blocks, regular content update, teacher training, orientation and certification, STEM Pilots and eventually year-long implementation knit as part of school time-table. There is constant hand holding so the schools feel confident and served with the ultimate goal of ensuring teachers are able to easily complete their syllabus and students genuinely learn and get inspired to innovate.

Even though the realization that STEM is important is closer than ever, the implementation of STEM however has thus far been far from satisfactory. This is primarily ingrained in the reluctance to replace convention ridden education (where rote learning ironically is the standard) by practical hands-on creative learning. Hence education is an industry ripe for positive disruption. But it needs indoctrination across the board with all stakeholders including Administrators, Owners, Principals, Directors, Management committees, parents, students and most importantly teachers who are going to chaperon the STEM movement through a structured modular STEM implementation. Devoid of structure, STEM will at best remain a pipe dream. It is a tough challenge but STEM Academy painstakingly brings to you a Total STEM Solution.

STEM Academy of USA, Inc. in partnership with SMEs, pioneers and reputed STEM stalwarts aside from renowned institutions, is dedicated to developing and implementing easily adaptable curriculum modules customized for syllabus in India geared towards Elementary, Middle and High-School levels (grade 4 thru 10). The structured framework encompasses step-wise implementation wherein STEM is integrally knit into daily school time-table to facilitate teachers and students to endear it. Teacher training and potential certification on STEM pedagogy and its delivery is organized through Centers of Excellence instituted across the country whereby an ecosystem of STEM trained community of teachers are prepared to assume the onus of STEM based education.
STEM Academy is in continuous endeavor to perpetuate STEM based education across schools in India. STEM Academy is committed to providing world class STEM modules and services at affordable prices to implement STEM. The response from school managements, teacher community, students as well as parents is overwhelming.