Women empowerment through STEM education

Ivanka Trump speaks during a quiz with emerging entrepreneurs on the second day of the 8th annual Global Entrepreneurship Summit (GES) in Hyderabad, India on November 29, 2017. CREDIT: Getty Images
Ivanka Trump, in India, Calls for More Women in STEMThe daughter of and adviser to United States President Trump talks entrepreneurship and the wage gap at the Global Entrepreneurship Summit in Hyderabad. Ivanka Trump, leading her father's delegation to a Global Entrepreneurship Summit in India, on Wednesday called for more women to enter engineering and the sciences.
"There has been stagnation in terms of closing the gender wage gap", Trump, the daughter of and also an adviser to United States President Trump, said during a panel discussion in the southern city of Hyderabad. "We need to get more women into STEM fields, where participation has been abysmal. If women continue to represent only 13 percent of engineers in the U.S., I am very concerned that the gender wage gap is going to grow rather than contract in the economy".
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Oprah Winfrey,Founder The Oprah Winfrey Network
STEM vision- “To be a teacher. And to be known for inspiring my students to be more than they thought they could be.”
Despite the stereotype that boys do better in math and science, girls have made higher grades than boys throughout their school years for nearly a century. Despite the great opportunities in STEM and a rich history of sharp and brilliant Indian scientific minds like Shakuntala Devi, Kalpana Chawla and many more, far fewer girls choose to study science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) subjects that offer the best jobs which can lead to women empowerment in India. STEM Academy aims to empower women by encouraging young girls to pursue STEM studies and choose meaningful lucrative careers.
As a community, we need to overcome negative and outdated perceptions and encourage young girls to consider STEM as a career option. We believe that empowering the Indian girl through STEM education will go a long way to catapult India to the pinnacle of world leadership.Many scholars and policymakers have noted that the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) have been predominantly male occupations, with historically low participation among women, from their origin in the Age of Enlightenment to the present time. However times are changing fast and with many STEM based initiatives girls are being encouraged to increasingly pursue STEM based careers giving them identity, pride and positions of power leading to their prowess in society.
Girls in STEM put down roots
Girls in STEM 2017
Girls in STEM: a new generation of women in Science
Who can thrive in STEM..any girl can!
Girls Engineering, Math & Science
Awesome girl power in STEM
Studies suggest that many factors contribute to the attitudes towards and achievement of young women in mathematics and science, including encouragement from parents, interactions with mathematics and science teachers, curriculum content, hands-on laboratory experiences, high school achievement in mathematics and science, and resources available at home. Research findings indicate that boys' and girls' attitudes and aspirations about mathematics and science diverge in the early secondary school years, primarily not due to the girls’ aptitude but due to their disinterest from how Math and Science is taught not in a practical hands-on way that girls’ more logical minds would rather wish them being taught for them to become successful engineers or technologists or even entrepreneurs.

Girls begin to lose self-confidence in middle school because they believe that men possess more intelligence in technical fields. The fact that men outperform women in spatial analysis, a skillset many engineering professionals deem vital, generates this misconception. Feminists scholars postulate that boys are more likely to gain spatial skills outside the classroom because they are culturally encouraged to build and work with their hands. Research shows that girls can develop these same skills with appropriate training created through STEM.